Reduce speed and make turns with caution to avoid overturning. Platform height--The height at which you operate the platform will vary from crop to crop. When harvesting hay crops, the platform may be ...
Planting of spring annuals can begin once soil temperatures at seeding depths are between 42 to 45 degrees F. While oats are ...
it gives 8.5 to 10 tonnes of hay. Start by harvesting the Brachiaria one row at a time. Start with the inner row nearest the maize. After the first forage has been harvested, you can start ...
Since 2006, Tennessee hay producers have averaged harvesting 1.86 million acres of hay a year resulting in an average hay harvest of 3.9 million tons of hay each year. A large portion of this hay ...
If you are a hay farmer about to start harvesting, you are likely wondering about the expected yield. So, what should you consider? And how many bales of hay per acre should you expect?
The harvesting machinery seems straight out of the world of Mad Max This process was repeated over and over again until the cage was filled with several tons of compacted hay. Then a powerful ...