Although Swordsman was one of Hawkeye’s mentors in the Marvel comic book universe, their first meeting in the MCU occurred when Jack caught Clint Barton/Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) and Kate Bishop ...
The secret identity comic book trope, mostly sidelined by the MCU, becomes central to the story of Daredevil: Born Again in ...
At the end of Hawkeye, Eleanor Bishop goes to jail for the murder and Jack helps Clint Barton and Kate fight off baddies at the Battle at Rockefeller Center. You might remember that the main ...
Swordsman is a villain in the Marvel Universe, leading many fans to speculate that Dalton’s Jack Duquesne was the main bad guy of Hawkeye. However, it was slowly revealed that Kate Bishop’s ...
Through the years, Kevin Feige and the MCU team have done a really great job of building out what almost feels like a house brand or formula; they know what makes a good movie, and what fans of ...