A stay at InterContinental resort on Hayman Island offers Great Barrier Reef access, indulgent luxury and a memorable holiday.
Hayman Island marks its 75th anniversary, celebrating over seven decades of Australian luxury, exceptional hospitality, and ...
在遥远的澳大利亚东海岸,隐藏着一个被称为自然遗产的瑰宝——海曼岛。这里的海曼岛洲际酒店(InterContinental Hayman Island Resort)以其无与伦比的浮潜条件和绝美的白沙滩被誉为世界顶级度假胜地,而在这个热带天堂你会感受到,海水、沙滩、浮潜的完美组合远胜于马尔代夫的艳丽。
To mark the occasion, InterContinental Hayman Great Barrier Reef has unveiled a renewed focus on sustainability and natural beauty, reinforcing its place as a world-class destination. Last year ...