美式卖场好市多提供各种生活用品,满足许多会员日常需求。一位女子近日在好市多发现一款三丽鸥儿童不锈钢保冷保温瓶新上架,共有大耳狗、Hello ...
「2025新竹市儿童游艺节」将于4月3日至6日在新竹公园盛大展开,今年活动以「飞翔乐园」为主题,打造1座充满想像与冒险的艺术世界,17日的宣传记者会并邀请到人气三丽鸥明星Hello Kitty现身亮相,与大家一同迎接这场 ...
(首尔讯)韩国演员马东石向来以健硕形象深植人心,拥有铁汉风范的他,私下却藏着一颗“少女心”。日前适逢54岁生日,他不仅手捧Hello Kitty造型蛋糕庆生,更戴上公主皇冠和粉色生日肩带拍照,展现独特的反差魅力,让粉丝惊呼“太可爱了!” 马东石出生 ...
Zhang's "cute" Hello Kitty stickers amazed social media users, with one user saying, "The shooter from China, Zhang Qiongyue, has a gun full of Hello Kitty figurines, and everything is pink ...
Sanrio has unveiled a campaign across Southeast Asia targeting counterfeit products and aiming to enhance intellectual ...
So the product-design company decided on a feline. And so, Hello Kitty was born. Today, the cute cat with the missing mouth is a global superstar, the most popular of Sanrio's cartoon cast - which ...
The phenomenon shows no sign of slowing, with a Warner Bros movie in the pipeline and a new Hello Kitty theme park due to ...
TOKYO--Hello Kitty turns 50 on Friday. Befitting a pop icon at midlife, the bubble-headed, bow-wearing character's fictional birthday has brought museum exhibits, a theme park spectacle and a ...