Learning from experience is one of the best ways to generate ideas and share good practice. The Human Capital Project is supporting a variety of case studies that examine the policies, programs and ...
The Managing Human Capital course has been specifically designed to teach practical skills for the future general manager (not just the human resource practitioner) who seeks to manage both other ...
The right policies and allocation in sectors such as education and health can go a long way in improving the quality of India's human capital, which is essential for sustainable economic growth ...
Everyone thinks human life is valuable ... responsibility for one's own actions. In the USA capital punishment costs a great deal. For example, the cost of convicting and executing Timothy ...
Here is a terrific homebased business startup for entrepreneurs with good marketing skills, but limited investment capital. Human billboards ... As an example, a basic package could include ...
Several more recent studies (for example, Deger (1986)) suggest that this effect dominates any positive ... Public investment in education and health facilities improves human capital formation.