If you agree, MSN and Microsoft Bing will personalise the content and ads that you see. You can select ‘I Accept’ to consent to these uses or click on ‘Manage preferences’ to review your ...
Incidents of humpback whales injuring swimmers and divers are exceedingly rare, if not nonexistent, Ms Robbins said at the time, adding: ‘It is not something I have heard happening before’.
A juvenile humpback whale was found dead on a beach in South Carolina with signs of trauma. Lowcountry Marine Mammal Network, a nonprofit working towards the protection of South Carolina's marine ...
It does not necessarily reflect the view of The Herald. A humpback whale has been spotted off the region's coastline by fishermen. The giant mammal was captured on video breaching the water in the ...
A humpback whale briefly trapped a kayaker in its mouth off Chilean Patagonia before quickly releasing him unharmed. Adrián Simancas was kayaking with his father, Dell Simancas, when the massive ...
a one-month-old humpback whale nuzzles up to its mother. Then, a cloud of dark yellow urine gushes into the water, like a golden smoke bomb, and everything becomes tinged with green. This ...
A new study led by McGill University researchers indicates that humpback whales in the southeastern ... measures to reduce vessel speeds in key whale habitats. "This research provides the data ...
A drone was used to film the whale last week The stranding follows other recent incidents involving entangled whales. In February, two fisherman rescued a humpback whale found entangled in creel ...
A humpback whale urinating near Hawaii. Credit: Lars Bejder/NOAA Scientists have long understood that microbes, zooplankton, and fish are vital sources of recycled nitrogen in coastal waters.
Footage by Lars Bejder shows a humpback whale urinating underway near Hawaii. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert!
Highland Council is considering options to dispose of the whale The stranding follows other recent incidents involving entangled whales. In February, two fisherman rescued a humpback whale found ...