Whale, that’s something you don’t see every day. A humpback made a shocking splash beneath the Brooklyn Bridge Monday — marking the species’ first visit to the East River in two years.
Federal and state officials are recovering the carcass of a humpback whale calf from the shores of Kihei, Maui. The Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources says it is a deceased humpback ...
A collision with an ocean vessel may have been what killed a humpback whale that washed ashore in Huntington Beach last week, according to officials with the Pacific Marine Mammal Center.
Experts say that the whale — a 40-foot-long, approximately 5-year-old humpback — is likely in distress because the rope is tightly tied around its right flipper and extends through its mouth.
Previous coverage: Humpback whale that washed ashore in Kitty Hawk has necropsy before beach clean up Necropsy performed on whale that washed up on Kitty Hawk shore "There was a gap in the ...
PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Humpback whale that washed ashore in Kitty Hawk has necropsy before beach clean up Necropsy performed on whale that washed up on Kitty Hawk shore "There was a gap in the ...