Washington is bolstering its military presence at Diego Garcia amid rising tensions with Iran and ongoing strikes on Yemen's ...
A RESERVIST soldier and dad from Keswick is set to row 8,500 km across the Indian Ocean for charity. Matthew Hemmings, who serves with The Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment's 4th Battalion, is part of a ...
While New Delhi shares strategic concerns with the rest of the Quad, its Indo-Pacific approach is primarily a means to ...
Malaysia’s government have agreed to let Texas-based marine robotics company Ocean Infinity to resume the search for ...
F or India’s foreign and security policy, which of the two areas is more important: The Indian Ocean stretching from the East ...
Amid speculation that developer interest is waning, federal energy minister confirms he has four projects vying for a spot in Australia’s sixth offshore zone.
The Malaysian cabinet has approved a fresh search for the wreckage of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, more than a decade ...
Hundreds of corellas fell from trees in Newcastle, Australia, exhibiting distress and bleeding. The cause is suspected to be ...
The Maritime Border Command safeguards Australia’s vast coastline and maritime domain, focusing on illegal fishing, ...
More than 11 years after Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared, the Malaysian government greenlit a new search, led by ...
The easy, laidback vibe of Melbourne, Australia's second city, is light years from the madness of Sydney, the most populous ...
We are aware of what is happening in the IOR, and we know who is doing what, where, why and how,” Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi ...