Points of orange-yellow fluorescence (arrows) detected on a roosting Indiana myotis (Myotis sodalis) following surface illumination with a field-portable 9-watt 368-nm fluorescent UV light.
Separately, House Bill 1237, offered by Rep. Victoria Garcia Wilburn, D-Fishers, sought to make Myotis sodalis, also known as the Indiana bat, the official mammal of the Hoosier State. The ...
Bats across Indiana are waking from hibernation and moving out of their caves in search of food. These flying mammals play a vital role in Indiana’s ecosystem and even its economy. Feeding on ...
The Indiana bat’s scientific name, Myotis sodalis, hints at their appearance and gregariousness. “Myotis” is Latin for mouse-eared, and “sodalis” is companion. “These species roost in ...