Just understand the lyrics of Wash. by Bon Iver by realizing its themes, atmospheric production, and how the song gets raw ...
Experience the song Not Strong Enough by Boygenius, a heartfelt piece about emotionality and the struggle to find strength in difficult moments.
(AP) — In a clipped Nordic accent, Swedish indie folk singer Sarah Klang politely ... as she does on several cuts here. Few singers blend hope and sadness into such a rare mix of intensity ...
Sometimes, Cheryl Chow’s recordings accidentally include the sounds of her father’s footsteps. The indie singer-songwriter, better known as cehryl, started making music from her bedroom during ...
She aims even higher on her excellent Nothing Sticks — it’s the perfect springtime road-trip indie-rock album you didn’t realize you deserved, full of soft-spoken guitar haze and emotional ...
Behind its self-titled debut album, indie supergroup the Hard Quartet make its Atlanta debut with a Saturday, March 22 show at Variety Playhouse.
Late last year, Calgarian indie folksters Reuben and the Dark merged forces with Iskotoah'ka William (Billy) Wadsworth's Bullhorn Singers ...
Late last year, Calgarian indie folksters Reuben and the Dark merged forces with Iskotoah'ka William (Billy) Wadsworth's Bullhorn Singers to release their debut single "Powerful" as Reuben and the ...
HKT x WestK Popfest, curated by West Kowloon, is the city’s first to feature more than 200 local artists from mainstream singers like Janice Vidal, Ivana Wong and Collar to indie artists such as ...