Sleep Foundation figures suggest that approximately one in every 13 individuals experience a morning headache.
If you're suffering from bloating, headaches, lack of concentration and insomnia then there is help at hand. "Eating the right foods can help you feel like a whole new person," Anna says.
When the sun is out and the grass pollen count is high, many of us reach for an antihistamine to avoid the streaming eyes and ...
Not only that, but "poor sleep is also associated with sluggish reaction time, memory lapses, and a higher risk of headaches, stomach issues, and sore joints", reveals Harvard Health. Insomnia is ...
Sleep issues affect millions of people worldwide, with insomnia being among them ... and a higher risk of headaches, stomach issues, and sore joints". READ MORE: GP shares heart disease symptom ...
Because insomnia can lead to extreme levels of sleep deprivation, the headaches caused by insomnia tend to be migraine headaches which occur in the early morning, Cichi explains. Alongside these ...
Say goodbye to sleepless nights! Know the benefits of massaging your head with a special oil to promote relaxation and deep ...
If you have insomnia, you might wonder why you can't sleep. Insomnia refers to when a person has difficulty falling and staying asleep. Some reasons you might want to fall asleep, but your body ...
Need RELIEF from Stress, Hot Flashes, Headaches, Insomnia, Irritable Bowel, Smoking?. I can help you learn to calm your mind & body. Certified Approved Consultant in Clinical Hypnosis, Certified ...