快科技12月23日消息,随着锐炫B系列显卡的发布,Intel XeSS技术升级到第二代,不仅包含核心的超采样技术,还集成了降低延迟的XeLL功能和帧生成技术。
近日,英特尔锐炫B系列显卡X e SS 2技术正式支持由网易游戏研发的《漫威争锋》,使其成为中国首款支持该技术的游戏产品,也是继竞速大作《F124》之后,全球第二款支持XeSS 2的游戏。当你在游戏里变身神奇四侠中的霹雳火在曼哈顿的街头疾驰,X e ...
为了解决这一难题,NVIDIA、AMD、Intel 三大显卡厂商分别推出 ... 自己的硬件配置和需求进行灵活调整。 XeSS:英特尔的后来居上 XeSS的全称是XeSuper ...
If support for any of those base upscaling technologies is present in a game, OptiScaler can inject your scaler of choice.
Blizzard reveals the patch notes for Diablo 4 update 2.1.4, which is scheduled to roll out to PC and consoles in mid-March 2025.
This modding app allows you to swap AMD FSR 4 in place of Nvidia DLSS and Intel XeSS, bringing the latest AI upscalers to ...
New modder tool makes it easier than ever to swap AMD's FSR 4 scaling for Nvidia's DLSS or Intel's XeSS and vice versa Specs for Nvidia's new RTX 5050, 5060, and 5060 Ti GPUs leak out and that ...
Mid-range graphics cards have always attracted special attention from budget-conscious gamers, so the release of the second ...
When it comes to gaming, it's surprisingly viable on the XPS 13: toss in features like Intel XeSS upscaling (or AMD's open-source FSR 3.1), and you can reasonably play the vast majority of PC ...