Patients presenting to the emergency department with presumed opioid overdoses show a low rate of delayed intubation.
It is always ideal to have intravenous access (through an intravenous catheter) in any anesthetized patient. Intubation can be performed with the animal in dorsal or lateral recumbency ...
Honoring a patient’s death can be life-affirming. That’s the ethos behind an UCLA initiative to support patients, their ...
According to GE, anywhere from 5% to 15% of COVID-19 cases require intensive care surveillance and intubation for ventilatory ... in a critically ill patient," said Dr Amit Gupta, director of ...
Researchers have found in a new study that awake prone positioning (APP) improves substantially survival without intubation ...
The mean cecal intubation time was 5.6 ± 3.2 min. Multivariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated that patient age greater than 60 years, constipation, poor colon preparation and a two ...
Dr. John Hick saw Minnesota’s busiest emergency department fill with patients, many struggled to breathe. Five years later, ...