There were no motors then, so there was nothing to distract the whale; the boat could get right close.” Agee Temela of Lake Harbour is seventy or more and was a baby asleep on her mother’s back on the ...
The Inuit hunted seals, polar bears, walruses and beluga whales on the coast and caribou and musk ox on the tundra. (Scene from Canada: A People's History, shot in Back River, Nunavut) The white ...
The authors start the article by detailing some the archeological dwellings of ancestral Thule Inuit, who made structures of whale bones. After World War II, due to humanitarian and political concerns ...
Visitors shouldn’t be surprised to encounter the traditional Greenlandic delicacy of mattak — whale-skin and blubber that when tasted is akin to chewing on rubber. Inuit communities have ...
Whale and seal meat are an important part of ... descended from animals that traveled with the Inuit when they began their journey from Siberia to Greenland a millennium ago.
two beluga whales, a seal and an arctic char. The inscription "Inuit Nunangat" appears on the left. The coin's obverse ...
Whales are eaten here. Visitors shouldn’t be surprised to encounter the traditional Greenlandic delicacy of mattak — whale-skin and blubber that when tasted is akin to chewing on rubber. Inuit ...