This is an excerpt of the speech Kennedy made in response to Parkin's glowing introduction: I thank very sincerely the committee and I thank very sincerely all of you people who have come and have ...
JFK Jr. The Final Year, premiering Tuesday night, Kennedy’s friend Steven M. Gillon recalls how he obtained never-before-seen video of Kennedy, then 27, rehearsing his speech. “It’s ...
In the speech, excerpted below, Kennedy announced that he would be sending civil rights legislation to Congress; that legislation was passed after his death and signed into law by President Lyndon B.
(known as JFK) hold on the American people was his ability to deliver powerful speeches, especially in televised addresses to the nation. Drafted by accomplished speech writers such as Theodore ...
But one of the most famous gaffes in presidential history wasn ... Kennedy, delivering a speech in 1963 to a crowd in West ...