吉隆坡著名旅游区阿罗街(Jalan Alor)配合 #元宵节 举行隆重庆典,市民与外国游客纷纷驻足观赏节目表演。年近七旬的马来西亚弘德龙狮体育会总会创办人萧斐弘师傅亲自上阵击鼓助兴,为表演掀起高潮。除了鼓艺表演,现场也呈现精彩的高桩舞狮及舞龙表演。最后五光十色的烟火绽放夜空,为元宵佳节增添了浓厚的节庆气氛。 (报导:朱敏琦;摄影:连国强)延伸阅读:国人外国游客齐聚感受多元大马 阿罗街浓厚文化氛围庆 ...
KUALA LUMPUR - The 500-metre stretch Jalan Alor at Bukit Bintang, among the popular tourist attractions in the federal capital, has nothing much to offer during the day. With a backdrop of shop ...
This drain behind Jalan Alor is on the verge of collapsing. (Right) Another lane in the Bukit Bintang area where several drains are without covers. — Photos: AZMAN GHANI/The Star ...
Over the years, several areas in Kuala Lumpur have been transformed into pedestrian-friendly zones, including Jalan Alor and Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman (Jalan TAR). Jalan Alor, a renowned food ...
The Kuala Lumpur Immigration Department arrested 176 illegal immigrants, including 71 Bangladeshi nationals, during a raid in the Jalan Alor area of Bukit Bintang on Wednesday night, reports ...
MOTORISTS visiting Kuala Lumpur’s bustling commercial areas such as Jalan Alor, Pudu, Changkat Bukit Bintang or other parts of the city for dinner or shopping, may not realise that street ...