(综合讯)BLACKPINK成员Jennie近日在YouTube节目《妖精在亨》(Fairy Jaehyung)中罕见地敞开心扉,进一步分享了成名后所面临的压力、身为团长的责任,以及作为艺术家和新任CEO所经历的身体和情感挑战。她甚至半开玩笑地说:“这辈子当一次Jennie就够了。” Jennie ...
NEW YORK (AP) — She was the first to go “SOLO.” Seven years ago, global pop phenomenon Jennie became the first member of the K-pop group Blackpink to release solo music. On Friday ...
Blackpink member Jennie has collaborated with Albanian singer Dua Lipa for the track Handlebars from her new album Ruby, which dropped on music streaming platforms on March 7. The development comes ...
JENNIE’s debut solo album ‘Ruby’ is out now, and the global pop star celebrated the release with a concert at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles. Keep watching to see an inside look at the ...