By May of that year, his lungs had deteriorated to the point where he was completely reliant on an oxygen cylinder 24 hours a day, just to breathe. His final hope of survival was a lung transplant.
On top of that, most people naturally breathe too shallowly ... If your cough has overstayed its welcome, don’t just brush it off, your lungs might be trying to tell you something.
Pope Francis’s condition has continued to improve and he no longer needs to use noninvasive mechanical ventilation to help ...
"I think it just makes the lungs more susceptible to injury." Symptoms of post-COVID pulmonary fibrosis can mimic other types of interstitial lung diseases, which are disorders that cause ...
Air pollution threatens more than just our lungs, experts say. And while Australia has some of the best air quality in the world, we've been warned against complacency. Australia ranks high when ...