Villagers in a coastal community in Terengganu state are trying to fend off the threat from encroaching sea waters.
Pengarah Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran (JPS) Terengganu, Ir. Osman Abdullah berkata, risiko banjir semakin meningkat sekiranya hujan lebat berlaku pada waktu sama. “Antara perkampungan berisiko ...
In KUALA NERUS, 18 victims of a hailstorm in Chukai town and the surrounding areas on Wednesday were placed at the temporary relief centre (PPS) at Dewan Sivik Kampung Gong Pauh. Terengganu ...
The Terengganu State Disaster Management Committee secretariat said that a total of 48 evacuees from 15 families are currently being housed at the Kampung Lubuk Periuk PPS and Kampung Peneh ...