The desert rat-kangaroo was known to eat mostly leaves of plants, but its short round face led previous researchers to suggest that it could eat harder foods as well if needed, such as seeds and ...
The desert rat-kangaroo was known to eat mostly leaves of plants, but its short round face led previous researchers to suggest that it could eat harder foods as well if needed, such as seeds and ...
Scientists stalking a small marsupial through the rainforest may have found a clue to the mystery of why its bigger kangaroo ...
The rats, who get their name because of their two-legged stance and large haunches, eat mostly seeds and are ... while the San Bernardino kangaroo rat has been considered endangered since 1998.
This led researchers to suggest that it could eat harder desert foods like roots ... In fact, the desert rat-kangaroo was already a Lazarus species after its rediscovery in the 1930s.
This led researchers to suggest that it could eat harder desert foods like roots ... In fact, the desert rat-kangaroo was ...