What’s the healthiest diet one can eat? A study claims to have finally found the answer. That’s not such an easy task, ...
Many go vegan to spare animals; the diet doesn’t just cut out meat, like a vegetarian one, but nixes all animal sources of food, including eggs, dairy and honey. <!-- /wp:paragraph ...
A ketogenic diet may help people with diabetes manage blood sugar levels and possibly reduce the need for insulin medication. However, there may be possible risks associated with it. The ketogenic ...
Side effects of the keto diet may include nausea, constipation, headaches, and even vomiting. Compared to the low-fat craze in the '90s, the ketogenic diet seems to go against all diet logic.
It’s best known as a slightly faddy route to weight loss, but could the ketogenic (keto) diet, high in proteins and fats and ...
The ketogenic diet is all about low carbs and high fat ... and most baked goods-unless they're made with gluten-free alternatives. Cooking vegan might seem limiting at first, but it's a chance ...
The imaging revealed reductions in excitatory neurotransmitters typically elevated in bipolar disorder, suggesting a potential mechanism behind a ketogenic diet's effectiveness. The study also ...