由日本FALCOM制作,KONAMI负责电视游戏版移植的经典动作RPG第6代,《伊苏VI》,公布了PS2版的片头动画影片,供玩家欣赏。 一生经历过无数冒险的红发 ...
PS1 game and 19 years after the launch of the final main series entry on PS2, Suikoden is back in the form of a highly ...
IF you owned a PlayStation 2, you might have a prized game gathering dust at home. Fans of the iconic early-noughties console are willing to hand over serious cash for its most collectible titles.
Konami has regained its footing and is serious about game development, offering quality titles once again. Story-driven Konami games like Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Suikoden 5 offer engaging ...
The choice of a non-US setting has ruffled the plumage of players who cherish Silent Hill's association with Twin Peaks and New England. Personally, I welcome the departure after the heady retro ...
Konami teased “power-ups and new developments for familiar series,” as well as unannounced new projects in its New Years 2023 greeting. “This year is the year of the Rabbit, so we are ...