As LETA was told at the president's office, Rinkevics made a working visit to Kosovo on Thursday. During the visit, the president met with the Latvian troops participating in the NATO-led peacekeeping ...
Once a Muslim-majority nation, Kosovo is witnessing a quiet but growing movement of Albanians converting to Catholicism. Advocates of the shift argue they are reclaiming their ancestral faith, once ...
Kosovo’s ex-President Hashim Thaci, who is facing war crime charges, has been briefly released from a European Union-backed court to visit his ill father PRISTINA, Kosovo -- PRISTINA, Kosovo (AP ...
The Telegraph in fact owned/used two armoured Land Rover 110 vehicles – the need for the second shall soon become apparent.
In Lepo’s case, once he was cleared for the move, he was transferred out of Kosovo to the United States ... “We try and take care of the soldier and the dog for life,” Baumann said.
Albin Kurti, President of the left-wing Vetevendosje party, arrives to vote as Kosovo holds a parliamentary ... 20 Richest People in the World Former soldier found guilty of raping ex-partner ...