The Case Biomanufacturing and Microfabrication Lab team is composed of graduate students ... Through her studies she has created works under an array of scientific fields, including zoology, human ...
Normal rat posture results in proximity of the scrotum to bedding and feces, which predisposes rats to postoperative complications if castration is done using standard scrotal and prescrotal ...
Students in Anatomy and Physiology learn the structure and function of the body’s organ systems (digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, etc.). Students dissect animal specimens and analyze ...
Techniques for blood collection from the rat include puncture of the heart, retro-orbital plexus, jugular vein, saphenous vein, tail blood vessels, carotid artery, abdominal aorta, and vena cava.
In the Ausborn Lab, we study the neurophysiological mechanisms of how neural networks process and encode activity to generate appropriate behaviors. To this end we develop detailed, cutting edge ...