A bill that seeks to compensate people living near the Chiquita Canyon Landfill faces uncertainty amid state budget ...
For years, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers insisted that extending the landfill was the best option. But after a lengthy ...
When Meg Volk and her husband Ron moved to Granada Hills with their infant son in 1991, Sunshine Canyon Landfill in Sylmar ...
As per the KSPCB’s report in January, the water quality report of Kannuru Lake, one of the water bodies claimed to be ...
The mostly South County district will vote on who should fill the vacancy left by the resignation of former board Chair Nora ...
When US President Donald Trump vowed to end the "ridiculous situation" of paper straws with an executive order recently, he ...
Pupils at a Fleetwood primary school have made a hard-hitting video about the noxious landfill emisions which have plagued ...
Melbourne’s Lenko family have been left vomiting and suffocating in the horrific stench of their local tip for more than a decade.