If you like Bing.com’s background images and download Bing wallpapers every day to adorn your desktop, then you will definitely like this free software. You can automatically set Bing wallpapers ...
Microsoft recently released a new Bing Wallpapers app into the Microsoft Store to give us, you guessed it, wallpapers from Bing. However, despite its description, it looks like Microsoft is doing ...
Google isn't the only big company offering cool wallpapers for you to use on your devices. Microsoft has a dedicated Bing Wallpaper app you can use on your PC. One of the cool things about Bing is ...
Bing has introduced several features over the years, such as unique wallpapers, Bing Chat, and Bing Homepage Quiz. However, among all of these is Bing Homepage Quiz stands out as a unique feature ...
indicating that Microsoft perhaps does not want its users to uninstall this update. Hence it looks like Microsoft might be trying to push Bing Wallpapers to Windows users soon.