在过去20年里,LeBron系列正代球鞋虽难以选出年度鞋王,但支线系列如LeBron Ambassador与LeBron Soldier却展现了不俗实力。两者凭借前后掌Zoom气垫,获得了稳定和耐用的口碑。2021年,Ambassador和Soldier系列分别停在了第13代和第14代。相比正代系列,支线鞋受到的宣传有限,销量主要依赖实战反馈与鞋款配置。
As the Lakers season preview continues, Year 21 begins for LeBron James with a transition toward Anthony Davis' MVP candidacy.
Through LeBron James' 21 seasons in the league, he has proved how strong his memory is on and off the court. Ahead of James' historic 40-point performance against the Trail Blazer on Thursday at ...