It may not be rare or exotic, but leaf mulch is a magical, free amendment to your garden’s soil that many a gardener swears by. I first noticed it in the driveway of my grandmother’s summer ...
On Saturday, April 5 from 8am – 12pm, leaf mulch is available for pick up at Glade Road Growing. Loose and bagged leaves collected by the Town are composted ...
Most leaves can be turned into leaf mould, but some take longer to compost ... crumbly mixture that can be used as a mulch around the base of plants. Let the leaves rot down for another year ...
Using a layer of mulch across the soil surface can prevent ... including bark chippings, leaf mould, well-rotted farmyard manure or crushed shells. Mulching has many benefits.
Thomas Oval will be hosting more than dogs for the next few months with a temporary compound set up to stockpile leaf matter during the leaf fall ...
Residents who wish to take advantage of this free service should rake their leaves to the area between the sidewalk and curb, ...