There are many expressions of love in the WhatsApp messages." Leah, of Capesthorne Road in Orford, Warrington, was also said to have video footage of the teenager while he was "asleep or in bed ...
A GYM in Warrington is saying no to new members this ... regular gym-goers," said Clayton Leah, owner of Ascendancy Fitness. "At Ascendancy Fitness, our priority has always been to maintain ...
Leah, of Capesthorne Road in Orford, Warrington, denies one count of being a person in a position of trust causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity in the Liverpool Crown Court trial.
I'll give it you Wednesday for a love bite'." Leah, of Capesthorne Road in Orford, Warrington, was also said to have video footage of the teenager while he was "asleep or in bed" stored on her ...
Clayton Leah, 31, is taking an "unconventional approach" and turning down new starters at the busiest time of the year for his gym, Ascendancy Fitness, in Penketh, Warrington. He says he's made ...