The shocking video showing the moment a collar iguana defends itself from a man is leaving the internet stunned!
A genetic analysis reveals that Fiji’s iguanas are most closely related to lizards living in North America’s deserts. How is ...
The trek—from the North American desert to Fiji—now represents the longest known migration of any terrestrial animal.
The Argentine black and white tegu lizard is a non-native, invasive species distributed throughout Florida through escapes or ...
Since most iguana species live in the Americas, biologists have long debated how they could have arrived on the remote ...
The iguanas' 8,000-kilometer trip — one-fifth of the Earth’s circumference — is the longest made by a flightless land vertebrate.
Learn more about Fiji’s iguana species and how they likely used natural rafts to float to Fiji some 34 million years ago.
Amidst the lush greenery and winding paths lies a cleverly concealed creature waiting to be discovered: the elusive iguana ...
The green basilisk lizard is also called a plumed or double ... excellent swimming skills to continue its flight. Part of the iguana family, green basilisks grow to about 2 feet in length ...
The iguana was turned over to animal control, which was able to locate the lizard's human family and return it home. Georgia men play single basketball game for record-breaking 121 hours March 21 ...