A large sponge, a cluster of anemones, and other life seen nearly 230 meters deep beneath what was once Antarctic ice. Credit ...
In 2019, climate scientist Steffen Olsen took a startling photo of huskies appearing to walk on water. The photo went viral ...
The 9,000 gigatons of ice lost from glaciers since 1975 are roughly ... suing German energy giant RWE for a portion of the glacial lake's flood defenses proportionate to its historic global ...
The 9,000 gigatonnes of ice lost from glaciers since 1975 are roughly ... suing German energy giant RWE for a portion of the glacial lake’s flood defences proportionate to its historic global ...
"It’s alluding to the fact that this thicker sea ice north of Greenland is not as sustainable as it once was," Linette Boisvert, the ARCSIX cryosphere lead, told Space.com. The Arctic has lost ...