近日,权威3C电子产品评测机构安兔兔揭晓了最新的iOS设备性能排行榜,引发业界广泛关注。令人惊讶的是,苹果最新旗舰机型iPhone 16 Pro Max并未跻身榜单前十,反而被搭载M1芯片的iPad Air 5超越,这一结果无疑给苹果粉丝们浇了一盆冷水。 尤为尽管M1芯片已是三年前的产品,但其性能依然强劲,轻松超越了苹果最新的A18 ...
在科技圈引发热议的近期一项数据报告中,苹果最新旗舰手机iPhone 16 Pro Max竟首次未能跻身前十名。在安兔兔发布的2025年1月份iOS设备性能排行榜中,这款设备竟然被搭载三年前M1芯片的iPad Air 5反超。而榜单上只剩下iPhone 16 Pro,微弱地以横向跑分172万位列第十,Pro Max则是彻底消失。
The 13-inch MacBook Pro with M2 is no longer for sale. Customers may still find the model at a discount. The M1 and M2 models are still great options for a budget-minded person, but the 13-inch ...
CRN compares Apple’s 13-inch MacBook Pro with the M1 chip against Microsoft’s latest Surface Book convertible laptop, featuring 10th-gen Intel Core processors and optional Nvidia GeForce graphics.
This MacBook Pro 14-inch and 16-inch review, we're looking at both sizes of the revolutionary 2021 version of Apple's high-end laptops, which brings Apple's M1 series of processors to these ...