我们可以发现,苹果对2025款MacBook Air有极高期待,所以宣传也是相当夸张。根据苹果的说法,使用M4芯片的MacBook Air要比采用Intel芯片最快的MacBook Air快23倍。你没听错,这是“核武器”对上了“冷兵器”。
苹果近日在其春季发布会上推出了锋芒毕露的M1 Ultra芯片,标志着其在自研芯片领域的又一重大进步。作为M1系列中的新成员,M1 Ultra以其卓越的计算性能和能效表现,成为苹果产品线中的明星。此次发布会吸引了众多技术爱好者和行业观察者的目光,新的芯片将如何影响苹果未来的产品定位与市场地位,引发了广泛的讨论。
大家好,我是Karl,一位电脑数码爱好者、MacBook Air M2款老用户。 2020年,搭载M1处理器的MacBook Air横空出世,自研芯片的出色性能和能效表现撕碎了牙膏厂的遮羞布,无风扇散热结合M1处理器,实现了性能、续航、温度噪音控制这 ...
I thought I had this figured out. I was making a hard-headed decision to buy a refurbed M1 MacBook Air with 16GB RAM for half ...
What’s the new MacBook Air like? Should you upgrade to it? And can a new CEO rescue Intel’s woes? Producer, JJ Clarke, joined Adrian on this week’s episode of The Big Tech Show to discuss the latest ...
从 M4 MacBook Air 的官网页面可以看到,苹果推荐 Intel 机型和 M1 芯片的 Macbook Air 用户,可以考虑升级至 M4 MacBook Air。 「想升级,时机正正好。」 ...
Apple has a staggering marketing claim for the new MacBook Air with the M4 chip. Specifically, Apple says the new MacBook Air ...
Apple’s MacBook Air M1 redefined lightweight performance, and now you can get it at a fraction of the original price. For a ...
External display support was a notable step back for the MacBook Air when Apple switched from Intel chips to Apple silicon. That’s because both the M1 and M2 MacBook Air are capable of using ...
The M1 MacBook Air is one of the most award-winning laptops ever made, and this Grade A Refurbished model won't be available for long. This MacBook was the first of its kind, dropping the Intel ...