MRSA (pronounced MUR-suh), seen here as purple spheres, is the abbreviation for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, an antibiotic-resistant bacterium that can cause a severe infection in ...
MRSA is now so widespread that in many parts of the world it is the most commonly identified bacterium which is resistant to antibiotics. Writing in The Lancet, scientists from the National ...
Whatever the cause of the resistance, the bacterium thrives in dirty environments, and falling hygiene standards in hospitals have helped its progress. In the past decade, deaths from MRSA have ...
It exists harmlessly on the skin and in nasal passages, a commensal bacterium that is part of the ... methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA," Martins asserted. "Despite approximately ...
MRSA: The Spread of Drug Resistance In fact, there is a good chance that the staph infection you picked up from that contaminated doorknob is already antibiotic resistant. Most staph infections in ...
The antibiotic teixobactin—developed a decade ago by Northeastern University professors Kim Lewis and Slava Epstein in ...
Initially, MRSA only appeared in hospitals and nursing ... Vancomycin, originally derived from a soil bacterium scooped from the rain forests of Borneo, demonstrated more tenacity against the ...
Adam Richman revealed he contracted the MRSA infection while visiting Zurich, Switzerland in 2018 Stephanie Wenger is a TV Writer/Reporter at PEOPLE. She joined the brand in 2021 as a digital news ...