随着产品的不断迭代,MacBook Air已经成为很多人手中的“小Pro”。而且苹果对Air系列的定位已经不仅仅局限在“小巧”、“轻薄”,大屏加上苹果的M系列芯片,已经足以打破人们对Air系列“只能做小事”的固有印象。
The latest MacBook Air M4 brings an upgraded 3nm chip and support for multiple external displays, but is it actually worth ...
在最新发布会上,苹果公司推出了其新款MacBook Pro,搭载了公司自家研发的M2芯片。这款设备以其强劲的性能和超长的续航时间,引起了科技行业的广泛关注。根据苹果的官方数据,M2芯片相比于上一代M1芯片,性能提升高达30%,而续航时间则延长至18小时,无论是重度工作者还是日常使用者,都能享受到更加流畅的使用体验。
The MacBook Air M4 continues the trend of bringing incremental upgrades but what are these differences between the new M4 and ...
Apple's newest MacBook Air M4 is finally making a strong case for upgrading from the Godfather of the Apple Silicon lineup, ...
作为一个每天对着电脑屏幕忙碌的打工人,电脑就是我的生产力。但苹果M1芯片的MacBook Pro笔记本虽然性能强,可外接显示器的限制真的让人头疼。直到我发现了阿卡西斯MAC异显专用扩展坞,它就像给我的工作效率开了挂,必须给大家好好分享一下!
If you want a smaller and more affordable laptop and don’t mind having a smaller display, the 13-inch MacBook Air is the best ...
苹果在 2022 年 7 月推出了 M2 版本的 MacBook ... 英特尔芯片和苹果 M1 芯片的 MacBook Air 进行了比较。不过,当搭载 M4 芯片的 iPad Pro 发布时,苹果曾表示 ...
The Apple MacBook Air (M1) started a seismic shift for Apple being ... fastest of systems and you want more portability than the Pro M2 can provide. We’ve taken a deep dive into the differences ...