Dr. Mahendra Perera, a Psychiatrist in Melbourne talks to us.
The film stars Jayalath Manoratne and Mahendra Perera in lead role whereas Rodney Warnakula and Priyantha Seneviratne made supportive roles.
SLPI’s Namal Perera had finished work as usual by 5.40 p.m. last Monday, June 30. However, he didn’t leave the office premises immediately, as he was waiting for his friend Mahendra Ratnaweera from ...
Joe Abeywickrema, Jackson Anthony, Sangeetha Weeraratne, Ravindra Randeniya, Douglas Ranasinghe, Mahendra Perera and Hemasiri Liyanage star in this award winning movie. “Aswesuma” depicts a compelling ...