We urge parents, teachers and others to make clear to the young people in their lives that life, as they know it, can change in an instant as a result of a poor choice. Clearly, many L-BF students ...
But there are at least six problems that are inherent in any system that relies on choice. 1. Not all parents are in a position to make good choices. What if the best choice is on the other side ...
Making good choices and being good leaders requires taking responsibility. Teaching our children how to take responsibility for their life is a foundational goal of quality parenting. The baby steps ...
Themes: Behaviour; making good choices; right and wrong; consequences; morality and ethics. Summary: This assembly is appropriate for the beginning of the school year and to use during Lent ...
We weigh the benefits and costs of our choice, and then we cope with the consequences. Factors that limit the ability to make good decisions include missing or incomplete information, urgent ...
Keep true to your values and remember to breathe deeply before making any consequential choice, and you are set. Fifth, do ...
Pizzerias across Pennsylvania are partnering with Pennsylvania groups to urge designated driving ahead of Sunday’s matchup ...
This is where the Profit For Good comes in, offering a radical yet simple alternative: rather than sending corporate profits ...
Themes: Behaviour; making good choices; right and wrong; consequences; morality and ethics. Summary: This assembly is appropriate for the beginning of the school year and to use during Lent ...