Both characters are popular romance options, but Tali and Garrus' relationship with Shepard takes on a very different but just as meaningful dynamic on their friendship path. Mass Effect is filled ...
However, she can only be romanced by a male Commander Shepard. Unfortunately, Mass Effect: Legendary Edition doesn't add more options for same-sex romance. Successfully romancing Ashley ...
Shepard can romance the Drell assassin ... FemShep can only start to romance Garrus in Mass Effect 2, years after meeting him and already building a solid friendship and level of respect.
But, for ourselves, we’d love to see a live-action version of Commander Shepard and Garrus, no matter which plot they find themselves in. Regardless of the story, this Mass Effect series has the ...
The Mass Effect universe is filled with ... Of course, this is purely based on tech powers. Garrus is actually one of the best squad members Shepard has at their disposal. When considering his ...