A mealybug infestation on your houseplants can cause stress levels to rise out of control because these annoying and damaging pests can be difficult to control. There have even been cases where ...
Glasshouse mealybugs suck the sap of their host plants which weakens and can kill them. The colonies of mealybug with their associated wax, honeydew and sooty mould can be very disfiguring to specimen ...
https://doi.org/10.2307/3495771 • https://www.jstor.org/stable/3495771 We investigated whether cassava plants that are infested by the cassava mealybug, Phenacoccus ...
Research found English Springer Spaniels were able to detect mealybugs and leafroll that can devastate grape harvests used for fine wines ...
The government has allowed the widespread release of wasps to fight a pest that destroys pawpaws. The Kenya Standing Technical Committee on Imports and Exports approved the widespread use of the ...
Acerophagus papayae is a parasitic wasp that has proved to be a successful agent against papaya mealybug in Africa. Mealybug is a highly invasive pest that affects at least 133 economically ...