Century England, a dark-skinned saint with a promiscuous past became a boundary-breaking cultural and religious icon. A new ...
The Earthly Paradise was a vibrant symbol at the heart of medieval Christian geographies of the cosmos. As humanity’s primal home now lost through the sins of Adam of Eve, the Earthly Paradise figured ...
Here we explore how Christian antisemitism moved beyond the Church, influencing major secular thinkers like Karl Marx, ...
In Orthodox Christian iconography, a peculiar icon of Saint Christopher can be seen, depicting him with a dog's head.
one of the earliest medieval Christian kingdoms. It kept eating the residents until a canny monastery chef fed it bread full of pins and nails―effectively slaying the dragon. Such a victory ...
I n 2005, the late conservative writer Lawrence Auster published a response to one of his critics. The critic argued that Christianity had added little or nothing of value to Western culture. Auster ...
Cats wearing clothes and playing musical instruments.These are part of a treasure trove of medieval animal illustrations that ...
However, these medieval hospitals were very different ... mosque and occasionally a chapel for Christian patients. Musicians were often employed to comfort and cheer patients up.
Although Galen was not a Christian he was accepted by the Church ... too much – which probably did help to make them healthy. Medieval doctors also used astrology, as they believed that the ...