The same goes for Mewtwo ex and its 150-damage Psydrive attack, and, well, literally any other move in the game. Even if you did have to discard energy like those original attacks would normally ...
This combination is proving almost impossible to beat, with twin Gardevoirs piling two free psychic energies per turn into Mewtwo EX, whose Psydrive attack for 150 HP (which ordinarily discards ...
The win condition with this deck is combining Gardevoir’s Psy Shadow ability with Mewtwo EX’s 150 power Psydrive attack. Psy Shadow allows you to place an extra Psychic Energy on the Pokémon ...
Then, there’s Mewtwo, the original “final boss” of the games and the “World’s Most Powerful Pokemon.” Yes, we know it’s not that anymore, but for a time, it was hard to imagine ...