本期带来2台超千匹马力的纯电车:小米SU7 Ultra和特斯拉Model S Plaid。当小米SU7 Ultra开始带头“消费降级”,让更多人的能圆梦“千匹”,大家肯定好奇上千匹马力的日常道路体验究竟如何,视频给你分享!
The SU7 Ultra, Xiaomi’s new flagship electric vehicle, went against a Tesla Model S Plaid in a drag race and it smoked it.
IT之家 2 月 25 日消息,特斯拉已就其旗舰车型 Model S 和 Model X 的未来规划作出回应,尽管这两款车型在公司未来增长目标中的地位并不明确 ...
Sam, the host of the "Sam CarLegion" channel on YT, has prepared yet another drag-and-roll race skirmish - PHEV versus two ...
How would you spend your first few miles in a Tesla Model S Plaid, a car that accelerates from 0-60mph in less than 2sec, one that can outrun almost any supercar you care to mention? It all feels ...