You ALWAYS had to do what you were told. DAD: Oh that’s YOU out of the Roman army! ANITA: I ALWAYS listen, you’re the naughty one Dad. A modern recreation of a Roman legionaries in full ...
Researchers previously thought the Roman army’s siege of Masada in 73CE lasted close to three years. However, contrary to the widespread myth at the heart of modern Zionism, a new study ...
Bloomberg uncovered 14,000 Roman artifacts beneath its London headquarters in the 2010s. It's gifting them to the London ...
Leadership lessons need not come from the modern day; they can also be found in ancient history ... She then went on to sack several cities in Roman Britain, before being defeated by the Roman army ...
In the first century AD, the Roman army set up camp on the River Aire and built a fort called Lagentium, on which modern-day Castleford is built. Roman coin moulds have been found in the area ...
More than 2,000 years ago, the city of Fregellae in modern-day Italy was thriving ... but after the destruction left behind ...