A new study has found that whale songs can act as a barometer for the effects of climate change on ocean ecosystems.
A study reveals that whales vocalise less during marine heatwaves to kill their prey, linking climate change to changes in ...
Spectacular drone footage captured Southern Resident Killer Whales as they made their way through the Monterey Bay frolicking ...
A stunning sight unfolded in Monterey Bay. A super pod of about 3,000 dolphins raced through the waves, leaping in sync. Among them were rare, Northern right whale dolphins and Pacific white-sided ...
“I never get tired of seeing these amazing animals," said Nancy Black, a marine biologist and owner of Monterey Bay Whale Watch. Black was on their whale watching vessel, the Sea Wolf, when they ...
The bay looked “like it was boiling,” said a boat captain with a whale-watching company in Monterey Bay, Calif. He captured video of the dolphins swimming off the coast. By Sara Ruberg On a ...
A California boat captain has captured rare video of a super pod of more than 2,000 dolphins breaching off the coast of Monterey Bay, including the more elusive northern right whale dolphin.
According to the Associated Press, Monterey Bay Whale Watch boat captain and videographer Evan Brodsky was sailing near Monterey Bay, about 100 miles away from San Francisco, on Friday ...
People come from around the world to try to see a northern right whale dolphin in the bay’s deep underwater canyons, said Colleen Talty, a marine biologist with Monterey Bay Whale Watch.
The finding indicates whale songs could serve as a barometer for their overall health, the study said. ‘It is a window into their lives.’ ...
RCFP is asking a federal court in Maine to allow review of a ruling that expands who’s able to sue over constitutionally ...
Among the group were northern right whale dolphins, a famously elusive species that usually keeps to deeper waters away from the coast.