虽然澳大利亚有巴布亚新几内亚、印度尼西亚和越南等好几个咖啡种植国供应咖啡豆,但咖啡烘焙厂商绿色广场(Greensquare)的联合创办人凯莱布·霍尔斯坦(Caleb Holstein)解释说,“这可不像去不同原产地寻求更便宜的价格那么简单”。
I’ve tried quite a few over the years, from the $20 model I had in my first apartment (that one coffee pro swears is actually good) to the fancier model with more advanced mechanisms I use now.
N.Y., voiced her concerns about tariffs on Colombian imports that Trump has proposed, claiming they would hurt Americans.
Colombia is a relatively minor trading partner to the United States, but some industries are much more exposed than others.