The fizzy, determinedly upbeat documentary charts how Liza ... Minnelli did just that (or that’s the idea, at any rate). A creation story in a minor key, it traces how the only child of two film ...
"Liza: A Truly Terrific Absolutely True Story," which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival last summer and is currently playing in select theaters, offers an intimate look at the ups and downs ...
Zeitgeist & Kino Lorber revealed the official trailer for a documentary film called Liza: A Truly Terrific Absolutely True Story, a biopic look at the life of Liza Minnelli. This first premiered ...
Director Bruce David Klein talked about making a movie featuring showbiz sensation Liza Minnelli. "To feel the waves of love in the audience for Liza Minnelli, people just love her in a way that's ...