Maylee Samuels has been playing the dulcimer for 30 years and, in advance of a local dulcimer St. Patrick's Day-themed ...
Even people who know much about American music often confuse the hammered dulcimer with the three- or four-stringed "mountain" or "plucked" dulcimer, although the two have nothing in common except ...
Submitted The Fulton Heights Neighborhood Association invites the community to a free concert featuring nationally-known mountain dulcimer musician Sam Edelston. The concert is scheduled for April 13, ...
Actor and singer Amanda Seyfried has set a studio audience and its presenter – and now the internet – off by skilfully covering a Joni Mitchell song on the dulcimer. The dulcimer. That’s right. The ...
With a bit of research, I learned some of the instrument's long history. The mountain dulcimer was created in the Appalachian mountains in the early 1800s, but the instrument's history goes back ...