When you find yourself doing a lot of work in 3D modelling, you occasionally wish for something more capable than the humble two-dimensional mouse. A space mouse is a great tool in this regard ...
A new AI tool builds sophisticated map of mouse brains. It is a detailed view of the brain like never ... tool that can generate a high-resolution 3D map of the brain in mice, allowing users ...
In a study supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), researchers revealed the structural underpinnings of memory formation across a broad network of neurons in the mouse brain.
[Jacek Fedorynski] had an old Magellan/SpaceMouse 3D mouse with a serial interface which made it impossible for him to use with modern hardware and software. The problem he faced was two pronged ...
Using a four-dimensional microscopy technique, researchers have created 3D video images of ... slices of living neonatal mouse lung over three days, a different view emerged, one of a ballooning ...