What does our body do? The human body has different parts that help us do things like walk, talk, eat, and see. Just like a car has different parts, such as wheels and windows, our bodies also ...
In 2013, the FDI World Dental Federation declared March 20 as World Oral Health Day. The date 3/20 symbolises healthy adults, ...
The digestive system is the series of tubelike organs that convert our meals into body fuel. There are about 30 feet (9 meters) of these convoluted pipeworks, starting with the mouth and ending ...
In this collection, sponsored by Procter & Gamble, Scientific American Custom Media explores the latest periodontal research and its surprisingly broad implications on whole body health and ...
Mouth? Bad touch. The toddler confidently calls out answers (and adorably hesitates ... Brown, even chimed in with an important addition: “THANK YOU! Also, incorporating actual names for body parts is ...