北京时间3月22日,NBA常规赛继续进行。根据赛程安排,快船队将于今天主场迎战灰熊队,球队将力争拿到5连胜。对于近期哈登的表现,NBA官方送出了赞美,他在过去8战中带领球队7胜1负。 NBA官方这样赞美道:“哈登过去8场的表现是精英级别的(James ...
半场比赛,阿门-汤普森攻防两端均表现出色。他出战19分钟,投篮8中4,罚球8中6,砍下14分4篮板2助攻1抢断3盖帽,正负值+10。 本场比赛结束时,阿门排球大帽贝恩。 火箭官推转发了这个盖帽,并@NBA 2K官方道:“给这个小伙子99分的盖帽值吧。” ...
When it comes to NBA 2K, MyTeam is where it’s at. But if players are looking for a slightly different spin on the videogame version, having access to the NBA 2K mobile app—not to be confused ...
The sports genre is much bigger than Madden and NBA 2K. Here are ten games from all over the sports map that you should add ...